
PPD yr2 Evaluation

1. Reflect on the relationship between your portfolio of work and your creative ambitions as a designer.

My portfolio is very image based. My main interests are illustration, character design and hand rendered craft. I have tried to show these through out my portfolio, but also i have shown some of my strong conceptual resolutions.
I have a real interest in craft and will be continuing this design practice.

2. Relate your own work to specific examples/areas of contemporary design practice.

My ambitions as a designer and career wise is to be apart of creative design team with similar interests as myself but a varity of different design skills, aswel as having my own archive of deisgn practice.
I feel my skills would be used to their full potential and not just used for every solution, i dont want to pigeon hole myself.

3. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses against identified intentions and areas of contemporary practice.

My strengths are my illustrative, crafting and character design skills, i can create ideas very quickly on paper.

My weaknesses are my project management and organization. I need to improve on this if i am to gain my full potential.
I need to improve my computer skills, altough i have a huge improvement on last year i need to learn how to organise work on my computer, learn specific setting.

4. Clarify areas of design, skills development and professional concerns that you aim to investigate further from this point forward.

My aims for the 3rd year are to continue practicing my illustrative and craft skills, I have to come back from summer a more organized person, although i work hard when it comes to hand in i can let myself down. I need to improve working with layout and look at the best ways of showing my final resoltions.

5. Briefly clarify the relationship between your creative practice and your proposed dissertation.

I want to gain a better understanding of craft and the relavance of it in design, my dissertation title, 'what are the reasons for DIY aesthetics in contemporary illustration?' will able me to do so, meeting and speaking with designers will give me more of an insight.